The Daily Manila Shimbun


US, China ”must take high road” in trade dispute: Duterte

June 23, 2019

President Rodrigo Duterte on Saturday stressed the need to discuss the trade friction between the United States and China during his intervention at the 34th ASEAN (Association of Southeast Nations) Summit in Bangkok.

  During his speech at the plenary session, Duterte said  trade issues between the United States and China affects global growth and economic integration. 

  "The US and China must both take the high road and resolve their differences before the situation spirals out of control. (W)e in ASEAN must strengthen our support for a rules-based and open multilateral trading system," Duterte said. 

  Duterte also urged ASEAN partner countries to reject "zero-sum approach to international economic relations."

  "In pursuit of growth, we should be partners not competitors. The Philippines therefore supports the ASEAN Single Window - a concrete initiative towards a seamless cross-border trade," the president said. 

  The ASEAN Single-Window (ASW) platform aims to create faster approval in cargo releases with lower transaction costs. 

  According to the ASEAN's statement in its website, "the ASW connects each Member State’s National Single Window (NSW) which enables a single, synchronised submission and processing of data, as well as a single point of approval for customs clearance of cargo."

  "The implementation of ASW ensures that NSWs are compatible with international open communication standards, thereby fostering predictability and transparency of trade-related procedures and regulations. Rules enforcement at the border is also enhanced in the process," it said. Cristina Eloisa Baclig/DMS