The Daily Manila Shimbun


Zamboanga police denies MNLF is threatening to attack city

October 30, 2019

The Zamboanga City Police Office on Tuesday denied that the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) threatens to attack the city if they refuse to allow the local government to conduct a forum with them.

In a statement, the Zamboanga police said there are no presence of MNLF in areas like Rio-Hondo, Mariki, Sta Barbara, Sta Catalina and Bugguck.

Authorities conducted house-to-house visits around 10:30 am at Kasanyangan, Bugguck and Sta Catalina.

And at 3:30 pm, Police Colonel Thomas Joseph Martir, Zamboanga police director, visited RioHondo and Mariki but no presence of MNLF or any stranger was found.

The inspection came after a text message circulated that a certain barangay captain called a police station informing them that MNLF will once again enter the city if the local government did not allow them to have a parade and meeting Wednesday.

“The request for permit of MNLF group to hold a forum in this city has been denied following verification from OPAPP ( Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process) and DILG (Department of Interior and Local Government) that the forum is not sanctioned by either offices,” it said.

“A follow-up call was made to the permit applicant Muksan Taguid-id  and he stated that they respect the decision of the city government and forgo any activity sought to be conducted.,” it added.

Authorities urged the people not to panic due to unverified information.

“Let the authorities handle them and wait for further advice for proper action,” it said.

In 2013, the MNLF led a 20-day siege in the city which resulted to at least 100 deaths. Ella Dionisio/DMS