The Daily Manila Shimbun


DOH to submit updated list of medicines to fall under maximum drug retail prices

September 27, 2019

One hundred and twenty medicines addressing leading diseases in the Philippines are set to see their prices drop by as much as 56 percent. The Department of Health (DOH) will submit to President Rodrigo Duterte an updated list of medicines


Firefighter collapses during training, dies in hospital

September 27, 2019

The Bureau of Fire Protection ( BFP) on Friday said a firefighter collapsed  during training in Laguna and died at a hospital last Thursday. In a text message to The Daily Manila Shimbun, BFP spokesperson, Chief Inspector Jude delos Reyes


Coast Guard seized Vietnamese vessel in Palawan

September 27, 2019

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has seized a Vietnamese fishing vessel off the waters of Palawan. Capt. Armand Balilo, PCG spokesman, said BRP Sindangan apprehended the fishing vessel with bow NR. TG-924114-S at 31.2 nautical miles east off Mangsee Island,


Indian Armed Forces War College visits Philippine Army headquarters

September 27, 2019

Delegates from Indian Armed Forces Army War College (IAF-AWC) visited the Philippine Army headquarters in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City on Thursday. Lt. Col. Ramon Zagala, Philippine Army spokesman said, the PA and the IAF-AWC expressed future commitments to strengthen both


Duterte issues EO institutionalizing National Council Against Child Labor

September 27, 2019

President Rodrigo Duterte has issued an executive order institutionalizing the National Council Against Child Labor (NCCL). EO No. 92, which Duterte inked on September 17 and a copy of which was released on Friday, aims to “upscale” the implementation of


Monetary Board cuts reserve requirements

September 27, 2019

The Monetary Board on Friday decided to reduce reserve requirements for universal/commercial banks, thrift banks , and rural banks by 100 basis points (or one percentage point).  The reduction will be effective on the first day of the first reserve


12 Filipino sailors held in Iran for alleged fuel trafficking

September 27, 2019

Twelve Filipino sailors were detained in Iran for alleged in fuel smuggling, the Department of Foreign Affairs ( DFA) said Friday. The sailors of Al Buraq 1, an offshore supply ship, were seized by Iran officials on September 7. Reports


At least 200 arrested in Makati’s 24-hour anti-crime drive: NCRPO

September 27, 2019

More than 200 persons were arrested by the Makati City Police Station during their “One Time Big Time (OTBT)” operation, according to National Capital Region Police Office ( NCRO). During the presentation, NCRPO chief Major General Guillermo Eleazar said the