The Daily Manila Shimbun


Duterte orders owner of Mighty Corp arrested

March 7, 2017

President Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday ordered the owner of a cigarette manufacturing company arrested for allegedly using fake tax stamps. “Yes, yes, I ordered his arrest.. He’s the one behind it.. fake cigarette stamps,” Duterte told reporters in Malacanang. The


(UPDATE) House approves death penalty bill on third and final reading

March 7, 2017

The House of Representatives Tuesday voted 217 for, 54 against and one abstention to pass on third and final reading the proposed law reimposing the death penalty on drug-related crimes. Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez, a lawyer and secretary general of the


Bishops “not defeated” despite passage of death penalty bill at the House

March 7, 2017

The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) said it is unfortunate the House of Representatives has “given its consent for the State to kill” in passing the death penalty bill on third reading Tuesday night. “We, your bishops, are


Labor department opens contractualization policy to amendments

March 7, 2017

The labor department gave management and labor representatives four more days to deliberate on a draft order on contractualization as it held off signing that order on Tuesday. At the National Tripartite Industrial Peace Council meeting, Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello


Duterte says felt vindicated on pivot to China

March 7, 2017

President Rodrigo Duterte said on Tuesday he made the right decision in pursuing an independent foreign policy and to pivot to China.   In a speech in an event of the Department of Agriculture in Malacanang, Durterte said this was


Duterte admits death squad existed during martial law

March 7, 2017

President Rodrigo Duterte admitted on Tuesday the existence of the Davao Death Squad.   But Duterte explained that the death squad was organized to neutralize the Special Partisan Unit (SPARU), a hit squad of the communist New People’s Army, during


Duterte urged bicameral appointments body to listen to Lopez’s “cries”

March 7, 2017

President Rodrigo Duterte urged on Tuesday the powerful Commission on Appointments to listen to the cause of Environment Secretary Gina Lopez, whose appointment is being strongly opposed by the mining sector.   In a speech in an agriculture event in


Third unit of Japan multi-role response vessel formally commissioned to Coast Guard

March 7, 2017

The third unit of 44 meter-multi role response vessel from Japan was formally commissioned into Philippine Coast Guard in a ceremony in Manila on Tuesday.   MRRV-4403 BRP Malapascua was commissioned to PCG service by Transportation Secretary Arthur Tugade at